Speaker: Aleix Pol
KAlgebra is being released along with KDE-Edu in the next KDE4 release. This talk will be an introduction about what the developer thinks KAlgebra is useful for, what could be KAlgebra's role into KDE-Edu, how can people learn to use it, which are the KAlgebra main goals and how it could evolve.
info: http://kalgebra.berlios.de
Aleix Pol
Aleix Pol Gonzalez is a 21 year old student from Barcelona who is studying Enginyeria Informàtica at the FIB, UPC (Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona in the Universitat Politècnica de Barcelona). He has been working with KAlgebra during the last 2 years and he is applying for a Google Summer of Code providing KDevelop 4 support for CMake as a buildsystem.
blog: http://www.proli.net