KDE the Composited Desktop Environment - KDE in the Wobblyland
Speaker: Lubos Lunak
Recent new X.Org technologies have introduced the possibilities of implementing so-called compositing features, as currently known e.g. from the Compiz compositing/window manager, that include various graphical effects on the desktop, such as transparency, window shadows, window previews, pseudo-3D effects, zoom and others. This talk will present basic underlying concepts of compositing, changes in KDE for compositing support, presentation of currently available features and possibilities for the future.
Lubos Lunak
Lubos Lunak is a KDE developer employed by SUSE/Novell. He maintains several components of KDE such as the window manager KWin and session manager KSMServer, some X11-related library classes and works on performance improvements in KDE.
Slides (PDF) (63K)
Video (Ogg) (89M)