Unit Testing - Why and how to write unit tests in KDE
Speakers: David Faure, Kevin Ottens
Unit tests improve code quality by orders of magnitude. Any new code, especially in libraries but also in complex parts of applications, should be written with unit tests from day one. This presentation will tell you why exactly one should write unit tests, and how. First in general, then in the context of qt4/kde4/cmake in particular.
Outline: 1) The goals of unit tests (why you should write unit tests) 2) The concepts used when writing unit tests (testsuite, testcase, green bar...) 3) How to write unit tests for Qt4/KDE4 code using qtestlib 4) How to integrate those tests into the compilation with cmake 5) The kde environment given to kde unit tests 6) Some examples from kdelibs and kdebase
David Faure
David Faure, French KDE Developer working for Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, and sponsored for working on KDE by Trolltech. Maintainer of the file manager / web browser (Konqueror), works on the KDE libraries (component technology, network transparency, porting to kde4, unit tests...) and on KOffice (framework, OpenDocument support), also doing admin work for KDE. Represents KDE in the OASIS Technical Committee which defines the OpenDocument standard for office suites.
Kevin Ottens
Kevin Ottens has been involved in the KDE project since 2003. He started with hardware interaction and kept improving the situation in this area since then. He also brought a few improvements in the file management department and helps maintain kdelibs. PhD student in computer science by day, and KDE developer by night, he tries to keep is sanity while driving the Solid effort.