Decibel. What is it and how to use it in apps.
Speaker: Tobias Hunger
Decibel is a realtime communication framework for KDE4 (and other environments). It enables developers to easily set up communication channels to users using IM protocols, computer telephone integration (CTI), voice or even video streaming. Decibel makes this easy by providing desktop wide services like:
- communications account management
- selection of telepathy communication managers (the actual protocol implementations used) based on protocols used
- contact state management.
This presentation wants to give a introduction to the architecture of Decibel and the services it offers.
The first part of my presentation will offer a short description of Decibel including its development state. Afterwards I would like to demonstrate Decibel to the audience, pointing out the benefits it offers and explaining how to code common use cases, giving some pointers on how to get started developing with Decibel. Lastly I would like to describe our plans for upcoming releases.
Tobias Hunger
Tobias studied computer engineering (Technoinformatik) at the university of Kaiserslautern, Germany and got involved with the linux community during that time. Although an avid user who has followed KDE development since long before version 1 he did not become actively involved with the project until more recently. Upon graduation he worked in Cologne as a consultant for a company specializing in systems management. After being hired as a software developer at BasysKom GmbH in Darmstadt, Germany, Tobias got more involved with KDE when asked to provide specifications and finally an implementation of the Decibel framework.