Collaborative Data Sharing
Speaker: Josef Spillner
While KDE has offered data sharing for applications and the desktop for quite some time now, only in KDE 4 will the users come to a level of participation which allows for true collaborative work over the internet. The KNewStuff2 library extends its predecessor KNewstuff with Web Service capabilities, enabling users to rate submissions, add comments and get in touch with the creators of the works, all from within any application. The extensibility of the desktop and the already large amount of contributed works by the community will lead to a more vivid user experience. Artwork, program extensions, scripts and visible gadgets will gain a significant boost by getting access to a free, scalable and trustworthy collaborative data sharing framework.
Josef Spillner
Josef has been a free software hacker since 1999. Having worked on many different KDE projects already, the impending KDE 4 launch made him introducing and concentrating on two new frameworks: KNewStuff2 for data sharing and KGGZ for online gaming. In his job between the nights, Josef is working in the area of service-oriented computing at the Chair of Computer Networks at Dresden University of Technology, and thus thinks that a web service-enabled KNewStuff2 library must be the best invention since sliced bread.
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