KDEGaming in KDE4 - A panel
Speaker: Mauricio Piacentini
As the KDE4 release gets closer, applications in the kdegames module are among the ones that are changing the most. Classic games like KPat, KMahjongg and KMines are getting a fresh look, leveraging technologies like SVG and Phonon. New games like KSudoku are joining the module, and old favorites are being retired. Most games have implemented support for multiple themes, and the Oxygen team helped with artwork in an attempt to match the look and feel of the desktop theme perfectly. Multiplayer capabilities using GGZ will hopefully allow users of KDE and Gnome games to play against each other.
But there still much to do, and to adjust. And for this final sprint we can use the help of the Akademy audience. This talk will be formatted as a 30 minute panel, where game authors and artists will have 3 to 5 minutes each to quickly present:
- how the game was in the KDE3 era - the current status of the game - what is still missing and can be added in the final weeks before KDE4 is released - how members in the audience can help, with concrete instructions on what is needed. It can be code, usability advice, art, localization, or testing.
At the end of the talk we hope atendees will have a clear picture of the status of the games in KDE4, and how exactly they can contribute to help us complete our vision.
The panel will be coordinated by Mauricio Piacentini. Several maintainers of applications in the kdegames module are attending aKademy and already agree to join the panel, including Josef Spillner, Matt Williams and Albert Astals Cid.
Mauricio Piacentini
Mauricio Piacentini is a member of the kdegames project, and current maintainer of KMahjongg and KMines. He holds a degree in Communications and Arts from Sao Paulo University, and works with games since 1995 as a designer in Tabuleiro Producoes, Brazil. Piacentini is a founding member of ABRAGAMES, the Brazilian Association for Computer Game Developers. His blog covering games in the KDE project can be found at http://maupiacentini.blogspot.com .